Spruce Up Your Bathroom With 2024’s Hottest Bathroom Design Trends


2024 is officially in full swing. And as people settle into the new year, many are looking for new, trendy, and stylish ways they can change and refresh their home, which often includes their bathrooms.

So what, exactly, are the trends in bathroom design, and how can you incorporate them into your bathroom to make it feel more timely and on-trend? A recent article from realtor.com outlined design pros’ picks for the hottest bathroom design trends of 2024, including:

  • Nature-inspired green. Each new year typically sees a new color become the must-have hue in bathroom design. And this year, that color is green. A nod to the outdoors, shades of green are being incorporated into trendy bathroom designs in a variety of ways, including sea green tiles and paint. Want to embrace the trend, but don’t want to commit to renovating your whole bathroom? Incorporate shades of green into your accessories, like a sage bath mat or a deep green shower curtain.
  • Water closets. Water closets — which is a bathroom design that involves creating a separate room/space for the toilet — are another big trend in bathroom design in 2024. Because the water closet has a door, it gives people a more private experience, which is a major plus for shared bathrooms. It also allows you to close the door and keep the toilet out of sight even when not in use, so it doesn’t distract from the bathroom’s other design features.
  • Backlit mirrors. Backlit mirrors create a spa-like experience in a home bathroom. Not only are these mirrors stylish, but because they use LED bulbs, they’re more energy efficient (and tend to last longer) than other bathroom lighting options, which can help cut down on energy costs.